Soul Flow Workshop “A Serendipity Moment" by Charlene Patton
Posted on February 01 2019

"Appreciate the guidance in those serendipity moments" is my favourite quote by Candyce Fiessel.
It's one of the many inspirational quotes found within the pages of her My Life Planner. Here's why it's my favourite: She and I met through serendipity. I lost the services of my previous hairstylist which led me to her. I knew she was right for me not only because of her expertise with my crazy curls, but also because of the ease of connection between us.
During my most recent appointment, our conversation touched on our purpose in our work. I mentioned that my position as an admin assistant had just been eliminated, but I was choosing to see this as a sign and not a setback. The universe was guiding me to focus more on what I love to do: write. This guidance led to landing a small job writing for a local magazine. Serendipity. Her eyes lit up. She knew I had a story to tell, even though I didn't see it as such in that moment.
She said, "I feel called to invite you to my first Soul Flow Workshop this weekend, but no pressure at all to attend. The invitation is there if you feel called to it."
I felt called.
I went to the Soul Flow Workshop not knowing another soul other than Candyce. The choice to do so was completely out of my comfort zone, but somehow it felt right.
I listened to her inspiring story and what led her to where she is now in her life. You can read it here:
She shared the lessons she has learned and the tools she continues to utilize to live her life purposefully and with passion. The message that each of us has a story was very clear. The power of connection through sharing our stories, even clearer. The women in that room opened their hearts and shared their stories of pain and stories of triumph. There were tears shed through connection. Hugs between strangers whose stories left an imprint on each other's heart.
The lesson I took away from that workshop was this: each of us comes into this world with a unique inherent gift born into our soul that is pure love. From this gift comes our purpose in life. But as we grow we become conditioned, through our limiting beliefs and learned fears, to shield the essence of our souls. In our quest to protect our essence we cover it so well that we tend to forget what our essence is. We get lost. We form habits and take part in experiences that do not serve us. We start just getting by instead of living fully.
In order to uncover our essence, we need the light of our souls to shine through, usually by way of a call from the universe. It may be in the form of an awakening or epiphany. It may be in the form of a trauma. We recognize and acknowledge this light to be our truth in our story. And in sharing it, we are sending our gift back into the universe to be of benefit to others.
The My Life Planner is a tool to use in this process of self-reflection. Realizing which actions you choose to serve your soul and which cause destructive life patterns and habits. Documenting these things gives you both personal accountability and opportunities to celebrate your wins. The outcome - expanding your personal, professional and spiritual growth toward your full potential and sharing the joy of your purpose in life.
Do you take notice of the moments of serendipity in your life? Those times when things happen by chance, and they seem to fit into your life's path perfectly? Those are the opportunities that come to us when our hearts are open. I sure have come to appreciate each and everyone that falls on to my path.