SYF Session 2 (Annual reflection, Letter to self, Picture this) Fillable Workbook
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What does the person you are today want to say to your future self?I recommend doing your Reflect and Celebrate worksheet to connect to where you are now as you look back on the last year. Doing the self-assessment will support you to see at a glance where you are gaining energy and where you are losing it. We must be careful to not judge yourself in this process as we can never truly be at a peak in all areas of our life. Something has to give.What I do know is when we are experiencing success consistently in one area we have exercised that muscle so it can stay strong with less attention. This gives you the opportunity to redirect your energy to the areas you have been avoiding or are feeling overwhelmed and ask for support. Self-awareness is a powerful tool when done often. The more “aha” moments you can have the greater chance you will make a valuable change. Experiences that we genuinely look forward to in our year it keeps.Next, it is time to get excited about what is to come!!Picture this is a tool created to make you have a bucket list every year. When you plan to recharge and can see what you have to look forward to, it keeps up our energy and motivation from day-to-day. You know you have planned for that reward. -